Our services

The company provides the finest rebar from one of the largest factories such as Misurata and Zliten Iron and Steel Factories. It also provides construction materials and equipment such as cement, aggregates, building wood and other materials


Al-Qmati Company provides the best types of black and white cement to the local market from the largest factories in Libya and from other sources such as the Arab Union Contracting Company, Tunisian cement and Turkish cement

Building materials

The company provides building materials of iron in all its sizes, and cement of all kinds (black, white, and kiln hollow brick of all kinds, in addition to building wood of all kinds and sizes and other materials).

Rebar of all kinds

Our company is one of the main sources of rebar in the western region of Libya, where the company provides the finest types of rebar from major factories in the country such as Misurata Iron and Steel Factory Zliten Iron Factory and from other sources, the company provides all types of rebar (5.5, 6, 8, 10,12,14,16,20)

Delivery Services

The company provides delivery services to the entire western side of Libya

What sets us apart

Special team

We have a group of engineers and experts to lead the company and achieve its goals

We care about the quality of the products

We are interested in providing the finest materials and conforming to international standards

We provide everything you need

The company seeks to provide a variety of products for all levels, and seeks to provide the latest solutions in building materials

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